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Emilia Clarisse is a 2 year-old, 68 lb Tri-colored F1 Bernedoodle. She is the offspring of AKC registered Bernese Mountain Dog and Standard Poodle. She has been DNA identified and health tested. She was specifically chosen as a puppy for our program based on DNA health compatibility and her outstanding sweet and fun temperament towards all people and pets. She is a quiet, watchful girl and will steel your heart in an instant. She is the biggest snuggle bug ever. Emi absolutely loves life and holding your hand. She is very intelligent and was the easiest to potty train by far. She learns very quickly and we love watching her expressive big brown eyes as she is taking in information. She is happy and content to be with her people and pups. She travels wonderfully and is a well-balanced soul.
Winston Wolfgang is a 4 year-old, 68 lb Blue Merle Tuxedo, F1 Aussiedoodle. He is the offspring of AKC registered Australian Shepherd and Standard Poodle. He has been DNA health tested and chosen as our sire for his beautiful coat coloring, amazing eyes, and his quiet demeanor and precious sweet temperament. Winston is outstanding in every way but especially as a service dog to me, his owner. He was incredibly easy to train and the calmest pup I have ever owned. We say he is "stealth mode" at all times unless he needs to alert. Winston has sired 19 puppies from 2 previous litters. They are all exceptionally healthy, happy, and beautiful. They are serving their families perfectly. We couldn't be more proud of each of them! We are so lucky to have clients who stay in touch and allow us to see how our previous litters are growing and succeeding.
Miss Charlotte is a 14 year-old F1B Maltipoo. She was my daughter's very first puppy and our first "indoor" dog. Charlie came to us as the tiniest puppy we had ever seen. She was sold to us by a back yard breeder at six weeks old instead of the eight we were told she was. Her tiny head was bigger than her body and she could barely stand up. I believe when my daughter chose her out of all the other puppies that day, it was a life saving moment. We did everything it took to keep her alive those first two weeks. Charlie had a rough start but was loved beyond reason and is still going strong. To say that Charlie is a miracle and that she taught us everything we know about doodles and raising healthy, sweet, puppies is putting it mildly. Charlie is the reason we do what we do. This girl loves nothing more than to sit in a lap and snuggle. Her favorite person is my 89 year old father and he thinks she's pretty special tool
aka Charlie Waffles, Chuck Pancake, Waffies, Charles Leclerc.
Bear is a 6 year-old F1 Chocolate Aussiedoodle with the most human like beautiful green eyes! This big beautiful boy belongs to my daughter.
He is trained as an ESA and has been serving my daughter in that capacity for 4 years. He is exactly what she needed and morel Bear was our family's first experience owning a large indoor dog. He came bounding into our home and hearts at 8 weeks old. He was the biggest ball of soft curly brown fluff we had ever seen, and we were in love!
This boy never fails to let us know what needs to be taken care of, He is the most talkative of the bunch and sounds like a Wookiee. He lets everyone know when its time to eat and to fill the water bowl, as well as when it is bedtime. Bear never forgets to tell us when we forget to turn off the water in a sink or when we forget to let one of the other dogs back inside. He keeps an eye in things and tells us all about it... so he has definitely earned his keep and we think he's pretty special.
Nora Rose Natalie Grace, aka "Nor Nor", "Nori", "Nora Jane", is our precious 3 year-old F1 Black Goldendoodle. Why 4 names, you might ask? When naming this sweet girl I decided that her middle names should be an ode to my 3 beautiful nieces. And so it is. Nora's brother, Nash, was adopted by my sister and lives in Pennsylvania. It's so fun when family members adopt siblings. Nora and Nash get to see each other occasionally and it's the wildest reunion ever!
This girl has filled our hearts with love and laughter and much needed silliness. Nora is the best swimmer, diver, and retriever I have ever known. She has a ball in her mouth and is ready to go anywhere 24/7. She is extremely smart, full of sass and nonstop energy. Nora is the alpha in our home and is the guardian of our little galaxy. Nothing goes undetected and she lets us know what's up. She is the first to run to help people or pups if she hears them in destress. We love her fiercely and she gives all the love and loyalty you could ever want.
Lucy, more frequently known as "Squish", is a 2 year-old F1B Red Merle Parti Aussiedoodle. She is from our Olive x Winston Luxe Litter collaboration with Bellows Doodle Ranch. Her nickname fits her perfectly as she truly has the most luxurious soft coat. When you pick her up you just can't help but "Squish" her. Lucy spends her days as my husband's road trip assistant and office manager. This girl is extra special to me as I was present for the delivery of her litter. I knew she had to be ours as soon as I saw her. Her eyes are a striking green and her lashes will stop traffic. She is one of the most beautiful reds I have ever seen. She is very much like Winston in personality and temperament. She is gentle, quiet, extremely smart, easy to train, and loyal to her person. She loves to run and play and gets super excited when her litter mates and friends come to visit us. It's a Doodle Party eveytime!
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